Is your business website “Indexed by Google”? Getting your website crawled & indexed by Google is the first and foremost step when it comes to SEO. The frequency at which Google visits, crawls and index your website will decide your websites performance on Google Search.

It takes time for newly created contents (posts) on your website to appear on Search results. Its because your content should be crawled and indexed by Google before it can show your post or page on search results. For small business blogs and news sites, this is even more important as frequency and “who breaks first”are crucial.

Although Google usually does its job perfectly, some sites are missed out, largely due to their own mistakes. When a website is not indexed by Google for a long time (which is rather very rare these days) a web master should ensure the following:

  • The website is not using “Do Not Index” on all pages
  • The website has enough links
  • The website is active or at least present on Social Media sites such as Twitter or Facebook

If none of the above gets you the results, then you should consider submitting your website to Google.

Frequent Google Crawl:

Getting indexed once on Google is easier to achieve, but getting frequent visits from Almighty Google is no easier task. But yet the rewards are too good to miss…

Advantages of frequent Google Crawls:

  • Any update you make will appear faster on Google Search
  • New contents will reach far greater audience “first and faster”
  • Better chance at SERP rankings
  • Increased traffic and audience

How to make Google Crawl your website frequently?
      Google is no dictator of business online, but it is just a mere portal that helps people find what they want. Google always want to ensure users get the exact best result, and it crawls and indexes any website that provides the best information. But there are more to the story, check out the following important factors that will help you get frequent crawls on Google.

Factors influencing Google crawl & Indexing:

  • Constant Update of Contents: The more regularly you add new contents the more frequent Google crawl your website. Add a blog section to showcase your expertise, provide tips to your potential customers and more. This will help your website gain greater reputation, more audience and better SEO ranking.
  • Links: Make sure your website has as many doors open for Google Spider to get in and do its job. The more quality links pointing towards your website, the more frequently your website will be crawled.
  • Website Structure: Developing good internal link structure would help considerably increase the chances of Google crawl on each and every page on your website.
  • Googles Affair with Twitter: For some reasons Google appears to be in love with Twitter (even more so until G+ came to being) and such sharing (linking) on twitter will increase the speed at which Google crawls your website. You should also focus your effort on other social media sites such as Facebook, G+ or LinkedIn.
  • Websites PR: Although PR is almost dead in terms of SERP ranking (Influence) it still appears to be a major factor in Google crawl rate and speed.