Have you ever played stress buster games online? Apparently, they are very popular and have several million fans. The objective of the games is to relieve the players of stress.

There is one such game in which you hit the screen with a hammer. You can imagine the screen to be anything or anyone – your boss, your ex, your neighbor, morning traffic – just about anything. You then hit the screen hard to vent out your anger and frustration.

A very popular game…
If you are running a small business, next in line would be probably “bookkeeping! Or worse, your bookkeeper!

Why does bookkeeping cause you tremendous stress?

There are three ways in which bookkeeping is usually done.

1) You do it yourself
2) You hand it over to your admin
3) You appoint an in-house bookkeeper

All three options could cause you a lot of stress. Let us see how.

Do it yourself bookkeeping: Lost time

When you manage books of accounts yourself, you tend to spend a large part of your time counting numbers when you should be out meeting clients. Time lost is as good as money lost – or well just as bad.

Admin bookkeeping: associated risks

When you hand over the task to the admin, you cannot be sure that the accounts are accurate. Lack of proper training might result in mistakes. Thus you may run the risk of submitting improper account books.

In-house bookkeeper: Costs

Appointing an in-house bookkeeper is pretty expensive. It calls for hiring and training, setting up computers and accounting software, office space and other necessary facilities.

These expenses sure do empty pockets. The bookkeepers salary alone could cost you a fortune. Along with other expenses, you might have to spend a large amount of your income just on in-house bookkeeping. So how do you keep the expenses under check?

Cutting down bookkeeping expenses

By Outsourcing bookkeeping services, you can bring down the cost by 60% and more! This is because the outsourcing company already has the facilities required for bookkeeping – you save a lot of money on overhead costs.

It is not just the money you save – but also time, space and other resources. Outsourcing is by far the simplest and the most effective solution to enjoy great benefits at reduced costs.

Say hello to “outsourcing

Integra offers you all the benefits of outsourcing bookkeeping activities. Our methods are simple and cost-effective. Our team of bookkeeping professionals would guide you through the entire process.

Now you can keep the hammer aside and lead a stress-free business life!

Has this post helped you? How are you handling your bookkeeping? Does it cause you a lot of stress after all? Post your comments below!